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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Above It All

Stunning beauty appears
through it all,
including in the midst of
challenges and uncertainties.
The glorious sun still shines,
the precious rain still falls,
and flowers bloom, regardless.
There's certain comfort in knowing
that above every circumstance is - GOD!

Copyright 2012

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Be Original

It's delightful to know
that originals outshine copies.
Embrace the uniqueness
of you!

Copyright 2012

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Precious Treasure

My mother

Your priceless deposits
make valuable differences.
It's a pleasure to experience
the richness of you.

Copyright 2012

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Living and Learning

We're not "purr-fect"...
It's encouraging to
know, though, that
living and learning
reaps excellent and

Copyright 2012

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Death of Toxic Relationships

How many of us are in continuance mode with relationships that are dead weight associations? I mean they add nothing to us but certainly subtract from our positive progressive journeys. The subject relationships could be relative to friends, acquaintances, and dating associations. I do NOT exclude from these descriptions some “Christian” connections which can also prove hazardous to godliness.

Our Lord does appoint us to minister to the dead and instructs us to be mindful that we were once dead ourselves. It is, however, crucial to be in tune with our Father to discern when to move on as the Spirit leads. My experience has been to linger too long where I should have cancelled some “subscriptions” to relationship “magazines.” Fool that I was, I remained in the “pages” well after the expiration dates. Hampered spirituality was the result when I continued engagements where I no longer had any business.

We can allow vice grips on our emotions that cause us to cling to toxic connections. Why do we cling? The reasons vary. Fear readily comes to mind. We can fear the absence of the entanglements. Granted, the entanglements are toxic but we foolishly desire them, regardless. Often, we are afraid to disengage. We have become accustomed to the presence. Inner battles rage.

We know better but are afraid to do better. What will it mean? What can replace them? Reluctance is stronger than logic.

There is hope. Undoubtedly, it can be difficult to trade in liabilities for assets. One reality is that assets are not always immediate after cancellation of liabilities. Hurt tends to be the immediate consequence. Separation anxiety is a definite result. Tough it out, though, because rainbows can be a certainty.

It is absolutely a surety that we can rise above the pain. What is vital is a heart to work through it with awareness that it will hurt but conquer we shall.

Emotional warfare is an apt way to describe it. We must purpose to do it and allow nothing and no one to impede our journeys to wholeness. GOD can show us the paths of life. His question is, “Do you want to press on to gain it?”

Recently, someone gave me declarations that, in essence, amounted to rejection of me. Gratitude is felt for that rejection because I learned that inwardly I have come to a new place. What he said was beneficial for me to know. It may, to some people, seem odd for me to express gratitude for rejection. The truth that he spoke resulted in some measures of freedom for me. Something shifted within when I digested the content of his words. That shift has been instrumental in turning some things right side up. I am thankful.

Burial of dead relationships is essential to move forward. We cannot embrace freedom if we cling to death.

In the interest of balance, I cannot conclude here without inclusion of another aspect on the matter of toxic dead relationships. Evidence supports that there are instances that the dead can live again or live where there was no previous life. Once toxic does not necessarily mean always toxic. Remedies do exist to bring the dead to life.

Happily, toxic dead marriages have been revived, healed, and restored to blissful unity. Family estrangements have gained healing. Those are glowing reports.

My experiences have also proved that it is possible to have peace in the presence of storms. Dissension has surrounded me where I had to reside, that is, relationships severed but I had to, for seasons, remain in the same physical places. I learned to go and glow in spite of it. That meant that heart disconnection happened before physical disconnection occurred. Immediate physical relief is not always attainable. What can be attained, though, is a heart set to reject attempts to discourage joyous progression. Peace can be resident in the midst of toxic dramas. Determine to sing in the rain. Escape before you leave. Leave intact. Victories are choices that begin in our hearts.

Wisely consider relationship choices. Ponder and select what is reasonable, safe and responsible. Chances are some relationships can be “saved” while others should be categorized as permanent deaths. Let’s face it – all cannot be salvaged. The better we discern and understand the differences, the more liberated we shall be as whole beings on this great planet earth.

Friday August 6, 2010

Revised Sunday September 26, 2010

© Copyright 2010

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Sorrow Came to Visit

     Heart asks, “Sorrow, what are you doing here?”
     “I came to live in you.”
    “Oh no you won’t. You came for a short visit – the operative word being “short.”
     “We’ll see about that.”
      “No doubt, we will.”
     Heart puts on some upbeat music and begins to dance.
     Sorrow, in disappointment, watches Heart in rhythm.
     Twirling around, Heart smiles at Sorrow.
     Sorrow winces. Sorrow starts to make loud noises to disturb the groove of Heart.
     Fingers snapping to the music, Heart tells Sorrow, “You’ll be leaving soon.”
     Sorrow struggles to hide the fear. “I have plans to stay.”
     “Your plans will be cancelled.”
      “Sorrow states, “I didn’t get a round trip ticket,” and unconvincingly adds, “Because I’m here to stay.”
     “It is on you that you got a one way fare from a place of assumption. I can assure you that your status here is as a visitor. There is no vacancy here for another resident. This heart is a gift from my Creator and I will have you out of here in less than an hour.”
     “And how do you propose to do that?”
      “You didn’t know that I have a happy pump?!”
     “A happy pump. I use it to pump happiness deep down in my soul. It came packaged from my Creator. The accessories are peace and joy among other prized possessions. Every now and then, I refuel the pump with paradise juice. When you came in, I said, “Ok pump, Sorrow is in the building. Let’s go to work.” Music went on the notes, dancing followed, twirling ensued – you get the drift?”
     Sorrow simmers. “I’m not leaving. I’m here to break you.”
     “Not only are you leaving but you will be leaving mad. You came to break but failure will be your “reward.”
     “Humph,” pouts Sorrow.
     Heart dances some more – this time with singing mixed in. Heart continues to dance to a few more songs. Soon Heart starts laughing so merrily that tears flow from the joy that bubbles from within.
     Sorrow is too through. “I didn’t expect this celebration of life. I came here to disturb peace and to live permanently.”
     “I know what you came to do. What you didn’t know is that I was made ready for you. You came here to break me. What you got was a break dance, a fox trot, a waltz, an electric slide, and some twirls thrown in for good measure. Laughter joined in with singing and tears of joy. Actually, you were the recipient of an impromptu concert, compliments from the Heart. Now you can take your visitor’s pass, and let yourself out while I dance over to play the next song titled, “Sorrow Has Left the Building.”


Friday May 7, 2010 - © Copyright 2010

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Today Rain Crashed My Party

     Thunder claps rage in my soul.
     Today Rain came as a rude party crasher.
     "Who invited you, Rain," I angrily ask.
     "Stormy weather," Rain boastfully proclaims.
     "I do not want you at my party – Rain, Rain, go away."
     Smugly, Rain informs, "I am here to toast the dismal atmosphere that arrived with me."
     I stomp furiously –
     "My heart aches from the rainy tempest.  Will you not leave me be?"
     Rain roars with wicked laughter.
     We argue on while all around us my party guests revel in fun because it's not raining on them.  "Why is it that sometimes when it rains, people don't share their umbrellas? Who cares that it's raining on me?"
     While I pondered my Rain misfortune, a strong knock came at the door –
     I left Rain standing in a puddle and went to answer the knock.
     It's Storm Chaser – we call him Chase.  I'm beyond glad to see him.
     Chase confidently strides in, surveys the party scene, glances dismissively at Rain, smiles at me and asks, "May I have this dance?"
     I happily nod and off we go to dance to the song, "Rain Can’t Stay."
     Chased away in defeat, Rain makes a hasty exit.
     We didn't stand Rain to remain any longer than necessary.
     There are "seasons" when we need the Rain, but with its presence the party can continue.  
     Brief interludes of rain can bring renewed appreciation for the SON shine that is inevitable.

Thursday July 8, 2010

Revised Tuesday December 7, 2010

© Copyright 2010

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